Ontario Trillium benefit 安省延龄草福利,这是一项合并销售税减免、能源及物业税减免的超级退税,以及安省北部能源补贴(northern Ontario energy credit)。这意味着即使你无需缴纳入息税,但仍可以从政府那里获得补贴。
this notice represents the information processed as of 2012-11-14. you should keep it for your records.
the ontario trillium benefit (otb) is a monthly payment fully funded by the province of ontario. the otb combines the payments of the ontario energy and property tax credit. the northern ontario energy credit. and the ontario sales tax credit.
ontario trillium benefit: 136.50
cheque attached 136.50
information used to calculate the ostc
2011 family net income 12400
current marital status married or living common law
current number of qualified children 1
annual otb entitlement
ontario sales tax credit